그누보드 내장된 다음API를 이용한 주소 입력 > 공책

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  • design1001@naver.com
  • @design1001
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PHP with GNU

PHP with GNU 그누보드 내장된 다음API를 이용한 주소 입력

페이지 정보

  • 작성자후야
  • 조회 : 207
  • 작성일 : 2021-01-30 23:53


그누보드 내장된 다음API를 이용한 주소 입력

<?php add_javascript(G5_POSTCODE_JS, 0); ?>

<div class="bo_w_info write_div">
	<input type="text" name="wr_3" value="<?php echo $write['wr_3']; ?>" id="wr_3" class="frm_input zip_input" size="5" maxlength="6"  placeholder="우편번호">
	<button type="button" class="btn btn_frmline" onclick="win_zip('fwrite', 'wr_3', 'wr_4', 'wr_5', 'wr_6', 'wr_7');">주소 검색</button>
	<input type="text" name="wr_4" value="<?php echo get_text($write['wr_4']) ?>" id="wr_4" <?php echo $config['cf_req_addr']?"required":""; ?> class="frm_input frm_address <?php echo $config['cf_req_addr']?"required":""; ?>" size="50"  placeholder="기본주소">
	<input type="text" name="wr_5" value="<?php echo get_text($write['wr_5']) ?>" id="wr_5" class="frm_input frm_address" size="50" placeholder="상세주소">
	<input type="text" name="wr_6" value="<?php echo get_text($write['wr_6']) ?>" id="wr_6" class="frm_input" size="50" readonly="readonly" placeholder="참고항목">
	<input type="hidden" name="wr_7" value="<?php echo get_text($write['wr_7']); ?>">