owl carousel with thumbnail > 공책

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  • design1001@naver.com
  • @design1001
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JQuery+JavaScript owl carousel with thumbnail

페이지 정보

  • 작성자인군
  • 조회 : 203
  • 작성일 : 2022-10-06 12:22


owl carousel with thumbnail

썸네일이 있는 슬라이더 


.outer { margin:0 auto; max-width:800px;}
#big .item { background: #ec6e46; padding: 120px 0px; margin:2px; color: #FFF; border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; }
#thumbs .item { background: #C9C9C9; height:70px; line-height:70px; padding: 0px; margin:2px; color: #FFF; border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; }
#thumbs .item h1 { font-size: 18px; }
#thumbs .current .item { background:#FF5722; }
.owl-theme .owl-nav [class*='owl-'] { -webkit-transition: all .3s ease; transition: all .3s ease; }
.owl-theme .owl-nav [class*='owl-'].disabled:hover { background-color: #D6D6D6; }
#big.owl-theme { position: relative; }
#big.owl-theme .owl-next, #big.owl-theme .owl-prev { background:#333; width: 22px; line-height:40px; height: 40px; margin-top: -20px; position: absolute; text-align:center; top: 50%; }
#big.owl-theme .owl-prev { left: 10px; }
#big.owl-theme .owl-next { right: 10px; }
#thumbs.owl-theme .owl-next, #thumbs.owl-theme .owl-prev { background:#333; }

<div class="outer">
<div id="big" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
	<div class="item"><h1>1</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>2</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>3</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>4</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>5</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>6</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>7</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>8</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>9</h1></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>10</h1></div>
<div id="thumbs" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
	<div class="item"><h1>1</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>2</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>3</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>4</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>5</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>6</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>7</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>8</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>9</h1></div></div>
	<div class="item"><h1>10</h1></div></div>

$(document).ready(function() {
	var bigimage = $("#big");
	var thumbs = $("#thumbs");
	//var totalslides = 10;
	var syncedSecondary = true;

		items: 1,
		slideSpeed: 2000,
		nav: true,
		autoplay: true,
		dots: false,
		loop: true,
		responsiveRefreshRate: 200,
		navText: [
			'<i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			'<i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>'
	.on("changed.owl.carousel", syncPosition);

	  thumbs.on("initialized.owl.carousel", function() {
		items: 4,
		dots: true,
		nav: true,
		navText: [
			'<i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			'<i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>'
		smartSpeed: 200,
		slideSpeed: 500,
		slideBy: 4,
		responsiveRefreshRate: 100
	.on("changed.owl.carousel", syncPosition2);

	function syncPosition(el) {
		//if loop is set to false, then you have to uncomment the next line
		//var current = el.item.index;

		//to disable loop, comment this block
		var count = el.item.count - 1;
		var current = Math.round(el.item.index - el.item.count / 2 - 0.5);

		if (current < 0) {
		  current = count;
		if (current > count) {
		  current = 0;
		//to this
		var onscreen = thumbs.find(".owl-item.active").length - 1;
		var start = thumbs
		var end = thumbs

		if (current > end) {
			thumbs.data("owl.carousel").to(current, 100, true);
		if (current < start) {
			thumbs.data("owl.carousel").to(current - onscreen, 100, true);

	function syncPosition2(el) {
		if (syncedSecondary) {
			var number = el.item.index;
			bigimage.data("owl.carousel").to(number, 100, true);

	thumbs.on("click", ".owl-item", function(e) {
		var number = $(this).index();
		bigimage.data("owl.carousel").to(number, 300, true);
